About Us
Since 2005, we have helped more than 8,600 young immigrants realize their ‘American Dream’
Liberty’s Promise supports low-income immigrant youth, ages 15-21, by providing them with means to become actively involved in civic life, pursue higher education, and embark upon meaningful careers.
America’s democratic traditions, economic freedom, and political choices continue to bring hundreds of thousands of immigrants to our shores each year. The chance to succeed and the chance for a better life has shaped and continues to shape the hopes and aspirations of our newest citizens. However, many newcomers remain unable to take advantage of the potential benefits and opportunities to develop their talents and unique gifts.
The continued strength and vitality of our nation depend in part on the fulfillment of our promise to new American youth. As the wave of our national future, they will strengthen our social fabric by not only remaining connected to their original cultures and beliefs, but also by participating fully in this country’s civic life. Liberty’s Promise will provide young newcomers with basic support as well as educational and professional opportunities. At the same time, we believe that promoting active community involvement and civic education will strengthen their resolve to become engaged and responsible citizens–to take part in democratic government.
We strive to provide each young immigrant with the freedom to pursue his or her personal American Dream: earning a college degree, entering their chosen profession, raising a family, or living where they wish. By demonstrating the potential for individual choice and success in this country, our newest citizens, with an unwavering belief in the liberty that brought them here, will continue to help sustain and inspire the American democracy for generations to come.
“I hope that Liberty’s Promise continues to help immigrant students like me succeed.
I will never forget the incredible work that Liberty’s Promise has done in my life.”
— Octave, Central African Republic