Our Programs
Liberty’s Promise supports young immigrants in need while encouraging them to be active and conscientious American citizens. Our programs aim to make the immigrant experience an affirmative one for young newcomers while instilling in them a sense of pride and support for American ideals of democracy and freedom. By doing so, Liberty’s Promise seeks to reaffirm our fundamental egalitarian and democratic traditions for future generations.
Civics & Citizenship
Our flagship program, supporting young immigrants to become engaged in their local community, realizing they have an important role to play. Participation also increases youths’ school attendance, engagement, and self-esteem, helping them succeed in their studies.
Civic Engagement for Beginning English Language Learners (CE-BELL) is a Spanish Language version of our Civics and Citizenship after-school program, which is explicitly designed for this steadily growing population of low-level (I-II) ESOL students.
Opportunities Plus
Our Internship program places low-income, documented, immigrant youth, in six or eight week internships with local businesses, government agencies, and nonprofits. Proving them with the opportunity to gain a better understanding of a professional work environment.