May Alumni Spotlight: Frank Monney (John F. Kennedy High School)

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LP shines this month's Alumni Spotlight on Frank Monney, Alumnus of our Civics and Citizenship program at John F. Kennedy High School and current LP Mentor.

Frank received his Associate’s degree from Montgomery College and his Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Currently, Frank is studying at Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine. After medical school, Frank plans to go into internal medicine to explore gastroenterology or infectious diseases.

We spoke to Frank about his journey and here is what he had to say:

“LP provided a safe space to be with like-minded people. Like many foreigners in high school, I was concerned about my spoken English and my accent to some extent. But in LP I felt that I could express myself freely, which eventually lead me to gain confidence to speak in my regular classes. Plus, I met people that I now consider my closest high school friends. I remember having a blast every time we met!

I think one of the most valuable things that I learned from my time at LP is the love of giving back to my community. This is the reason I decided to become an LP Mentor; I wanted to impart some wisdom and advice that has helped me along the way. As I mentioned earlier, I struggled with my accent but I learned that it is okay to sound different and to be confident with my accent and the way I speak. Back in Yaounde, Cameroon I was a very vocal person, but that changed when I move to the US. I remember being uneasy that I had lost a bit of myself; but thanks to LP, I was able to tap back into myself and remain authentic to who I am.

After graduating from Montgomery College, I managed to transfer to UMBC with a full scholarship. Currently, I am at Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine on a full scholarship. My advice to younger alumni is to think about career options early on. Not sure about college? Ask questions, and spend some time figuring out what you like or don’t like. Having somewhat of a clear vision of what profession you would like to do, will give you an indication as to whether or not college is worth the investment.”


June Alumni Spotlight: Emely Zavala (John F. Kennedy High School)


April Alumni Spotlight: Sarah Elashaal (Justice High School)